Would this work or would I have problems:

Using dd command to backup an entire SSD containing dual boot Windows/Ubuntu partitions into an .iso file, with the intent to then dd that iso back onto the same size SSD in the case of a drive failure?

  • kuneho@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Many years ago I tried it, but didn’t really read up on it. Wanted to back up my Pi’s sdcard while the system was running. I even removeding named that script “online-backup”.

    Now every time I ran that, after hours, I noticed my Pi was crashing, and never booted back up. I used chinese sd cards so I blamed it on them.

    But this happened multiple times, just to learn I was using dd absolutely wrong.

    dd was always a scary utility to me, and still is. I removeded up things with dd, regardless I quadruple checked everything 😅

    but to answer the question; it’s possible, but you really need to know what are you doing.